I Miss You So -media installation tells of longing for another person. This body of work originated during the first lockdown in Finland in 2020. After that practises of quarantine, isolation and social distance has become familiar to all of us. During the pandemic isolation has been one of the ways to protect human life but at the same time it has aroused social and mental health problems with people experiencing overwhelming solitude and fear.

I Miss You So was set off with a very mundane challenge: How can I take portraits of people without meeting? Remote meetings and video calls quickly became a way to stay in touch with relatives and friends. I then began to make portraits and videos about my family and friends during these video calls. Around my cellphone I wanted to build an altar. This way I wished to sanctify this ordinary but at the same time fragile and intimate meeting. With the help of flowers, I could express something important to me about this person being portrayed, as well as my relationship with him/her/them.

This whole artistic process made me think how unique and fine it is to really miss someone. I think as an emotional experience it tells a lot about the conditions of being a human being.

Installation details from Gallery Uusi Kipinä, 2020
Installation view in Gallery Uusi Kipinä, 2020
Installation view in Gallery Uusi Kipinä, 2020
Installation view in Art and Museum centre Sinkka, 2020
Petru & Saaga, Variations; Installation view in Art and Museum Sinkka, 2020



EKG – Heart film